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see fit

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I go jogging every day and play basketball on weekends.
매일 조깅하고 주말마다 농구해요.
I'm impressed. Now I can see why you are so fit.
와, 인상적인데요. 당신이 왜 그렇게 건강한지를 이제 알겠어요.

그게 맞는지 봐
See if it fits.
마침내 아주 딱 맞어
Finally a snug fit.

try on
- put on clothes to see how they fit and look
You should try on that jacket before you buy it.

선택: by chioce, hand-pick, pick and choose, pick on, pick out, pick over,
see fit, think fit, set aside

화난:blow one's fuse, blow ne's gasket, blow one's top, blow one's stack,
blue in the face, boiling point, bull in the china shop, burn up, down on,
draw blood, fit to be tied, flip one's lid, flip one's wig fly at one's
throat, fly off the handle, foam at the mouth, for crying out loud, get
one's back on, get one's dander up, get one's Irish up, get one's goat, hit
the ceiling, hit the roof, hot under the collar, jaws tight, jump down one's
throat, lose one's temper, mad as a hornet, mad as hops, mad as a wet hen,
make one's blood boil, make the blood boil, onb the warpath, one's hornet's
nest, tell - where to get off, tell - where to head in see red, set one's
teeth on edge, skin alive, slow burn, stir up, turn in one's grave, turn
over one's grave, up in the air, worked up, wrought up

We'll do the editing afterwards as we see fit.
편집은 나중에 저희들이 알아서 할게요.

We all agree that the aim of education is to fit the child for life; however, there are as many opinions as to how that fitting is to be done as there are men to hold them.
우리는 모두 교육의 목표가 아이를 생활에 적응시키는 것이라는 것에 동의한다.
그러나 그것을 주장하는 사람이 많은 만큼 그 적응이 어떻게 이루어져야 하는 가에 대한 많은 의견이 있다.
For example, fully half of our teachers cannot see that imagination is the root of all civilization.
예로써 선생님들 중 족히 반은 상상력이 모든 문명의 뿌리라는 것을 알지 못한다.
Like love, imagination may very fairly be said to 'make the world go round,' but, as it works out of sight, it is given very little credit for what it performs.
사랑처럼 상상력도 세상을 원만하게 돌아가게 한다고 말할 수 있다.
그러나 그것이 보이지 않게 작용하므로 그것이 하는 것에 대해 공적을 거의 인정 받지 못한다.

When I was growing up, there was a teakettle in our house with a lid that
did not fit tightly. When steam began to rise, that lid would shake and
rattle and make a terrible noise. Of course, the lid was doing no good.
In fact, it was allowing the steam to escape, but it made quite a racket
and impressed you as being very busy and very important. I've always
remembered that teakettle, and whenever I see a person who makes a lot
of noise without really accomplishing much, I say to myself, "That one
has a loose lid."
어린 시절 우리 집에는 뚜껑이 잘 맞지 않는 주전자가 있었다. 수증기가 올라오기
시작하면 뚜껑은 흔들리고 덜컹거리며 요란한 소리를 냈다. 물론 뚜껑은 유익한
일을 하고 있는 것이 아니었다. 사실은 김을 새나가게 하고 있을 뿐이지만 워낙
법석을 떨어서 아주 바쁘고 중요한 일을 하고 있다는 인상을 주었다. 나는 항상
그 주전자를 기억했고 별로 하는 일없이 시끄럽기만 한 사람을 볼 때마다
"저 친구의 뚜껑도 헐렁하구나."라고 생각했다.

Traditional morality is often associated with the view that there is a certain natural and morally defensible hierarchy of beings.
전통적인 도덕은 인간의 어떤 자연적이고 도덕적으로 옹호할 수 있는 존재들의 위계질서가 있다라는 시각과 관련이 있다.
There is, it is claimed, a natural order according to which inanimated objects are to serve animate ones; further, plants are here for the sake of animals, and animals for the sake of humans.
그것에 따라 활기 없는 대상들이 활기있는 대상을 도와야 하며 더 나아가서 식물들은 동물을 위해 존재하며, 동물들은 인간을 위하여 존재하는 자연의 질서가 있다고 주장한다.
Those with less rationality exist to serve the needs, interests, or good of those with more.
이성을 덜 갖춘 자연의 질서들은 이성을 더 많이 갖춘 사람들의 욕구나 이익을 돕기 위해 존재한다.
It is, thus, right and proper, for the "higher" to use the "lower," as the former see fit.
따라서 전자에서 알 수 있듯이, 보다 높은 이성의 소유자가 보다 낮은 이성의 소유자를 이용하는 것은 정당하고 적절하다.
Throughout history this view has rarely been questioned.
역사적으로도 이러한 관점은 좀처럼 의심을 불러일으키지 않았다.
It is a view implicit in much (at least) of natural law theory dating back to Aristotle (384-322 B.C) and in Thomas Aquinas's (1225-1274) theological revision of Aristotelianism.
적어도 Aristotle로 거슬러 올라가는 자연법 이론의 대부분에 내재하며 그리고 Aristotle의 이론을 수정한 Thomas Aquinas의 신학이론에 있어서도 내재한다.
In theological versions, of course, the natural order is seen as part of the divine order-and people are around for the sake of God―and are to function within the constraints laid down by divine purposes.
물론 이론적인 해설로도 자연의 질서는 신의 질서의 일부로 보이며 - 사람들은 신을 위하여 주변에 존재하며 - 신의 의도에 의해 내려주신 엄격함 내에서 역할을 하는 것이다.

If Andrew's angry about you moving out of the house,
당신이 집을 나간 것 때문에 앤드류가 화가 난거라면
then perhaps he should shove your head into a locker.
당신 머리를 락커에 쳐박았어야지
All I'm saying is that we need to take some of the responsibility here.
내 말은 우리가 얘의 행동에 대해서 책임을 져야 한다는거야
So does Andrew.
앤드류도 책임을 져야지
Blaming his actions on our problems --
우리 문제에 대해서 걔가 이렇게 하는건,
which are not so serious --
별로 심각하지도 않아요
does not help him.
아무 도움이 안돼
Our problems are serious.
우리 문제는 심각해
Mrs. Stark, you handle this however you see fit.
선생님, 적절하게 처벌해 주세요

서명순 감염관리팀장은 "딸 같은 후배 간호사들이 몸에 맞지도 않는 큰 보호복을 입고 일하다가 쓰러져 자는 모습을 보면 눈물이 절로 난다"고 말했다.
Infection control team leader Seong-soon Seong-soon said, "When I see younger nurses like my daughters fall asleep while working in large protective clothes that don't fit their bodies, I can't help but shed tears."

ome - came - come
cost - cost - cost
creep - crept - crept
cut - cut - cut
deal - dealt - dealt
dig - dug - dug
dive (scuba diving) - dived - dived
dive (jump head-first) - dove - dived
do - did - done
draw - drew - drawn
dream - dreamt/dreamed - dreamt/dreamed
drink - drank - drunk
drive - drove - driven
dwell - dwelt/dwelled - dwelt/dwelled
eat - ate - eaten
fall - fell - fallen
feed - fed - fed
feel - felt - felt
fight - fought - fought
find - found - found
fit (to be right size) - fit - fit
fit (to tailor, change size) - fit/fitted - fit/fitted
flee - fled - fled
fling - flung - flung
fly - flew - flown
forbid - forbade - forbidden
forecast - forecast - forecast
forego (also forgo) - forewent - foregone
foresee - foresaw - foreseen
foretell - foretold - foretold
forget - forgot - forgotten
forgive - forgave - forgiven
forsake - forsook - forsaken
freeze - froze - frozen
get - got - gotten/got
give - gave - given
go - went - gone
grind - ground - ground
grow - grew - grown
hang - hung - hung
have - had - had
hear - heard - heard
hide - hid - hidden
hit - hit - hit
hold - held - held
hurt - hurt - hurt
input - input - input
inset - inset - inset
interbreed - interbred - interbred
interweave - interwove - interwoven
keep - kept - kept
kneel - knelt/kneeled - knelt/kneeled
knit - knit/knitted - knit/knitted
know - knew - known
lay - laid - laid
lead - led - led
lean - leaned/leant - leaned/leant
leap - leapt/leaped - leapt/leaped
learn - learned/learnt - learned/learnt
leave - left - left
lend - lent - lent
let - let - let
lie - lay - lain
light - lit/lighted - lit/lighted
lose - lost - lost
make - made - made
mean - meant - meant
meet - met - met
mishear - misheard - misheard
mislay - mislaid - mislaid
mislead - misled - misled
misread - misread - misread
misspell - misspelled/misspelt - misspelled/misspelt
mistake - mistook - mistaken
misunderstand - misunderstood - misunderstood
mow - mowed - mowed/mown
outbid - outbid - outbid
outdo - outdid - outdone
outgrow - outgrew - outgrown
outrun - outran - outrun
outsell - outsold - outsold
overcast - overcast - overcast
overcome - overcame - overcome
overdo - overdid - overdone
overdraw - overdrew - overdrawn
overeat - overate - overeaten
overhang - overhung - overhung
overhear - overheard - overheard
overlay - overlaid - overlaid
overlie - overlay - overlain
overpay - overpaid - overpaid
override - overrode - overridden
overrun - overran - overrun
oversee - oversaw - overseen
oversell - oversold - oversold
overshoot - overshot - overshot
oversleep - overslept - overslept
overtake - overtook - overtaken
overthrow - overthrew - overthrown
partake - partook - partaken
pay - paid - paid
plead - pled/pleaded - pled/pleaded
pre-set - pre-set - pre-set
proofread - proofread - proofread
prove - proved - proven/proved
put - put - put
quit - quit/quitted - quit/ quitted
read - read (sounds like "red") - read (sounds like "red")
rebind - rebound - rebound
rebuild - rebuilt - rebuilt
recast - recast - recast
redo - redid - redone
re-lay (for example tiles) - re-laid - re-laid
remake - remade - remade
repay - repaid - repaid
rerun - reran - rerun
resell - resold - resold
reset - reset - reset
rethink - rethought - rethought
rewind - rewound - rewound
rewrite - rewrote - rewritten
rid - rid - rid
ride - rode - ridden
ring - rang - rung
rise - rose - risen
run - ran - run
say - said - said
see - saw - seen
seek - sought - sought
sell - sold - sold
send - sent - sent
set - set - set
sew - sewed - sewn/sewed
shake - shook - shaken
shear - sheared - shorn/sheared
shed - shed - shed
shine - shined/shone - shined/shone
shit - shit/shat - shit/shat
shoot - shot - shot
show - showed - shown/showed
shrink - shrank/shrunk - shrunk
shut - shut - shut
sing - sang - sung
sit - sat - sat
slay - slew - slain
sleep - slept - slept
slide - slid - slid
sling - slung - slung
slit - slit - slit
smell - smelled/smelt - smelled/smelt
speak - spoke - spoken
speed - sped/speeded - sped/speeded
spell - spelled/spelt - spelled/spelt
spend - spent - spent
spin - spun - spun
spit - spit/spat - spit/spat
split - split - split
spoil - spoiled/spoilt - spoiled/spoilt
spoon-feed - spoon-fed - spoon-fed
spread - spread - spread
spring - sprang/sprung - sprung
stand - stood - stood
steal - stole - stolen
stick - stuck - stuck
sting - stung - stung
stink - stank/stunk - stunk
strew - strewed - strewn/strewed
stride - strode - stridden
strive - strove - striven
strike (delete) - struck - stricken
strike (hit) - struck - struck/stricken
string - strung - strung
strive - strove/strived - striven/strived
swear - swore - sworn
sweep - swept - swept
swell - swelled - swollen,swelled
swim - swam - swum
swing - swung - swung
take - took - taken
teach - taught - taught
tear - tore - torn
tell - told - told
think - thought - thought
throw - threw - thrown
thrust - thrust - thrust
tread - trod - trodden, trod
unbind - unbound - unbound
underlie - underlay - underlain
understand - understood - understood
undertake - undertook - undertaken
underwrite - underwrote - underwritten
undo - undid - undone
unwind - unwound - unwound
uphold - upheld - upheld
upset - upset - upset
wake - woke/waked - woken/waked
wear - wore - worn
weave - wove - woven
wed - wed/wedded - wed/wedded
weep - wept - wept
wet - wet/wetted - wet/wetted
win - won - won
wind - wound - wound
withdraw - withdrew - withdrawn
wring - wrung - wrung
write - wrote - written

Are there eligibility criteria for my site in order to participate in Google AdSense?
내 사이트가 Google 애드센스에 참여하기 위한 자격요건을 충족합니까?
While we can't say whether your site would be eligible without fully reviewing your application, there are a few things you can check before applying to see if your site would be a good fit with AdSense.
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