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[위키] 비르 (칼바도스 주) Vire

[百] 발레리아가도 Vir Valeria

[百] 비르강 Vire River

[百d] 비르 싱 [ Bhai Vir Singh ]

[百d] 사바르카르 (Vir) Vinayak Damodar, Savarkar

올해 11회째를 맞는 베트남 M&A 포럼은 베트남 기획투자부 산하 언론기관인 베트남 인베스트먼트 리뷰(VIR)이 주관하는 행사로 해마다 500여명이 넘는 정부 주요 인사와 기업 관계자가 참석하고 있다.
The Vietnam M&A Forum, which marks its 11th year this year, is organized by the Vietnam Investment Review (VIR), a media agency under the Ministry of Planning and Investment, and more than 500 key government officials and business officials attend each year.

지덕 [地德]the benign influence of a (housing / grave) site.
지덕 [知德]knowledge and virtue.
¶ ∼을 갖춘 사람 a man of (wide) knowledge and (high) virtue.
·∼을 겸비하다 combine knowledge with virtue.
Main Entry: virue
Pronunciation: 'v&r-(")chü
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English virtu, from Old French, from Latin virtut-, virtus strength, manliness, virtue, from vir man -- more at VIRILE
Date: 13th century
1 a : conformity to a standard of right : MORALITY b : a particular moral excellence
2 plural : an order of angels -- see CELESTIAL HIERARCHY
3 : a beneficial quality or power of a thing
4 : manly strength or courage : VALOR
5 : a commendable quality or trait : MERIT
6 : a capacity to act : POTENCY
7 : chastity especially in a woman
- virueess /-(")chü-l&s/ adjective
- by virtue of or in virtue of : through the force of : by authority of

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